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A member registered Nov 16, 2022

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Nice game!   Always exiting to see new lightgun games get made.   Biggest need is the option to remove the crosshairs so you can just point and shoot with PC lightguns.

Next biggest need is a sequel.   With more.. everything, building off of this.

I couldn't seem to find a weakpoint on the zombies that would bring it down in fewer shots.  Don't know if there's suppose to be one but it's a very satisfying mechanic to have when you have enemies that are bullet-spongy.

Also it seems that when there are enemies in the background they can't be hit until you move forward.  You ought to be able to hit any target on the screen. 

Really cool game, tried it out with my Sinden Lightgun.    The game does need anytime reload and a hide crosshair settings.   I also found it a bit difficult to point and shoot with how the camera moves when you move the gun/mouse.  HOTD:Overkill does this too but much slower and only when pointing near the edge of the screen.   The camera reacting to small movements when trying to aim is a bit of a nuisance.   Also when I flick the gun away from the screen and back to do a shoot-outside-the-screen reload the camera movement that it causes is very disorienting.